Plant By Palette

Every color palette tells a story

After some months of trying handmade watercolor palettes, I wanted to explore the story behind each of them. What are these paintmakers trying to tell me through this palette? What could be my interpretation of their story?

While the Blue Pine Arts palette tells me a story about roots and pigment tradition, the Grim North is reading to me an adventure tale happening in a very gloomy place.

The contrast in the Constellations palette transmits the force and peacefulness of looking at the stars, while the Naturale palettes from A. Gallo screams to protect natural environments.

After these playful explorations I decided to start creating with my own limited palettes, with my own selection of colors from different paintmakers to tell you a story…

Can you describe what some of these stories are about?


Plein Air Sketchbooks


The 100 Mountain Project